Latest News
With permission from EAL NFEC is pleased to host this informative presentation
19th June 2024
The challenges of Sustainability in the Engineering and Manufacturing Sector EAL Level 2 Award in Sustainable Engineering, a post 16 qualification
Released by EAL 19th June 2024
Next NFEC Seminars
Latest NFEC Seminar Automation in Industry, "History" and "Future" Outlook
13th March 2025
A presentation by Fanuc UK Ltd, it will cover the development and future of "Automation of Manufacturing and other Processes", presented by Dan Fisher, Business Development Manager, Fanuc UK
EAL Events
Engineering & Manufacturing Support Technician (ST1395) Launch event
Date: 24th September 2024
Time: 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Location: Burnley College, Princess Way, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 0AN
Price: Free to register
Aircraft Maintenance Technician (ST1315) standard
EAL recently hosted a webinar on the new Aircraft Maintenance Technician (ST1315) standard, with valuable support from BAE Systems, who chaired the trailblazer group.
T Level Work Experience - Case Studies
This section on T Level Work Experience may be two years old but it is still valid today; your further contributions will be welcomed.
During the academic year 2020-2021, NFEC held a number of online seminars which focussed on preparing for the launch in September 2022 of the three T-Levels planned for the Engineering sector;
- T Level technical qualification in Design and Development for Engineering and Manufacturing
- T Level technical qualification in Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering and Manufacturing
- T Level technical qualification in Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing and Control
During the course of these webinars it became clear that one of the foremost challenges facing NFEC members in delivering the new T-Levels would be in the sourcing, management and measurement of the substantial work placements of 315 hours which form part of the overall T-Level qualification.
NFEC committed to collate some case studies, contributed from NFEC member colleges to illustrate the strategies that had been employed so far to build capacity for work placements, ahead of T-Level launch, and to provide shared resources to aid all members in their own planning and implementation.
The report which has resulted consists of three cases studies and shared resources from three NFEC member colleges representing various settings, geographies and demographics.
Please view the report within our 'Working 4 You' section 'Reports and Case Studies' or click the link below:
NFEC - T Level Work Experience Case Studies Report 2022
We will welcome feedback from members and indeed, any further contributions that NFEC can add to this resource.
NFEC Announces a revised programme of its Online Seminar series
NFEC continues to review its annual programme for 2024-25
A revised monthly schedule covering subjects that are of interest to practitioners and managers of Technical Education programmes; Zoom Seminars dealing with major strategic issues topics including:
- Developments in qualification strategy:
- The ongoing development of technical qualifications at L4 and L5.
- The future of BTECs and other L3 qualifications.
- The launch of the Engineering T-Levels for first year delivery.
- Revised Apprenticeship Standards.
- The changing landscape of L3 and University entrance requirements.
- New and emerging technology presentations.
- Skills for the "Green World".
- Supporting colleagues.
- CPD opportunities.
- Institutes of Technology and related "partnership networks".
- EPA for Apprentice programmes.
- Ofsted experiences from the front line.
Physical Seminars
It is likely that NFEC will host some "physical" seminars during the year, full or part day events, probably of a "local" nature, bringing members together to look at - specific topics, opportunities for sharing ideas, experience and practice, a chance for practitioners to get together to discuss what is important.
Focus Groups
NFEC operates a series of "Focus Group" meetings, bringing member representatives together for less formal discussions and considering NFEC and other worthwhile activities, we welcome your involvement, please get in touch.
Seminar Topics
The NFEC Directors are asking for your feedback and requests:
- What subjects we should be covering, specific issues that we can bring to these forums?
- Are there topics that you would like to present on?
- Have you seen something that we can replicate or contribute towards?
NFEC Website Showcase
NFEC, again invites members to submit items for the NFEC website, a showcase for your organisation, department, resource application, busines placements or student projects. Please get in touch to discuss.
NFEC Meetings and seminar programme academic year 2022 - 23
31st January 2023
After a slow start to the 2022 - 23 year, NFEC Directors are focusing the programme of online seminars for the year ahead commencing in February with a series of events both online and in person, that will cover a mix of subject areas including, changes and development in our sector together with a range of views on the skills for the new "green" world.
What will be different, if at all. What new requirements will be expected?. How can we help each other?
Skills shortages? (not a new topic after all)
Aiming for events and presentations each month (except August)
The NFEC AGM is to be scheduled for March, as in the last two years this will be an online event.
Annual Conference 2024
We have decided not to run the conference at this time, it is possible we will postpone to later in the year.
NFEC Free Seminars
Coming up...
Thursday 13th March 2025
The development and future insights into Automation in industry and our lives
Business Members Products
NFEC values the support of its Business Members whose product displays and technical presentations are a key resource for Provider Members.
View these pages to see some of the latest product developments, equipment, services and information. The links in the Business Members section connect with company websites, product catalogues and presentations.
View and support NFEC's Business Members
NFEC Events
The current unprecedented global and UK situation calls for all of us to make the best judgements we can in the light of the official guidance we are receiving. Therefore reluctantly, the Board of Directors, have decided to cancel all future NFEC events planned for the next few months, until further notice and hopefully an improving situation emerges.
For more information and meeting notes go to our Regions page
Membership Fees
Due to the current situation the previously planned increase in membership fees has been cancelled.
NFEC membership fees are held at Institutional / Corporate / Company Membership: £460.00
Individual Professional: £100.00
Jonathan Gill, NFEC's Chair
Jon Gill, NFEC Chair
A message from the Chair
And what about your news?
We want to hear from you - Have you got some good news to share? Did your engineering department get a grade 1 from OFSTED?
NFEC is all about helping each other and sharing good practice. Please send any news to Jill Mustard at