Chair Jon Gill describes the National Forum of Engineering Centres as follows:
'NFEC is a not-for-profit organisation and a registered charity.
Its aim is to provide a national support network for Centres that deliver education and training in engineering and the related technologies - whether they be colleges, private training providers, industry-based training centres or university technical colleges.
NFEC does this by providing forums for discussion, for professional updating and for the sharing of ideas and best practice amongst its members. Discussions include developments in teaching and learning, in curriculum development and in the management of learning delivery. NFEC identifies and responds to issues raised by members in relation to all aspects of quality assurance and control and in the implementation of government policies, national standards and national qualifications. A key facet of its support role is to provide for members a representative voice to government and all other relevant agencies - in relation to the well-being and enhancement of engineering education and training in the United Kingdom.
NFEC engages with a number of governmental and non-governmental organisations and bodies in order to represent the views of Engineering Centres and to positively influence the decision making processes in areas such as qualification standards, apprenticeship frameworks, funding mechanisms and quality and accountability measures, as well as responding to relevant government consultations. Recent activities and dissemination events have covered areas such as the implementation of Study Programmes, the development of new apprenticeship frameworks and funding mechanisms and the lessons to be learned from recent OFSTED Inspections.
Regular regional one-day conferences are held across the country, as well as a two-day national conference each year.
With the ever increasing pace of change in the delivery of 14-19 further education and skills development, NFEC provides members with the essential opportunity to pause, reflect, discover, understand, discuss and share their experiences and expertise with one another, for the good of Engineering Education and Training in the UK as a whole.
What NFEC achieves benefits the Sector as a whole - if your Centre is not already a Member, join NFEC and help it to be even more effective in helping you!
It can be fun
We are engineers, but that doesn't have to mean we don't find things amusing.
Click here for a classic Dilbert video